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aisan boxes, all of me, angels, animals, ascii, big bears

big byes, birds and butterflys, books and frames,

cbookseries 1-6 assorted poppups,

cbookseries 7-12 assorted poppups, cbookseries for guys,

cpops, cpops1, cpops2, crazy pops, cute clocks, dsc2, dugy,

especially for dalnet use, fantasy, dugy, fishy, flags, flowers,

fpops, funpun, gigitalk, ginapops, happy, help pops, honey,

hugs, lilfire, looneytune*, man-woman saying, mrc,

moontalk, netsplit, newbyall, nickhugger, nr3, october fun,

ops plus gives you fuction , p_U, popup heaven,

popupsgalore, puapops, purole moon , ribbons, scotpops,

sexy, sherxmas, sillypop_man, sillypop_woman, sillypop,

sports, sports, whopops5, whopops5, zclothes